“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” –George Bernard Shaw

The Open Book is all about sharing my adventures—mental, physical and through the heart.

This is my “WW” year. I will lose 100 pounds (weight loss, the first W), write 100 articles/stories/whatever (the second W) all in the next 365 days.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Heavenly Shower of Epic Proportions

Photo courtesy of buildmart-bath-and-shower.com

This latest cold is finally on its last legs. I woke up this morning still a little congested but at least I could breathe for the most part. Even the sinus headache had subsided enough to let me open my eyes all the way and view the world for the first time in a week.

I'd promised myself that today I would go to the gym and at least try to practice some more yoga, knowing that I could be kind to myself if my nostrils didn't cooperate and could just get on the treadmill for a little while. I ended up making it all the way through (although I recently strained a groin muscle--I know, hilarious--and I didn't do certain lunges and poses so I didn't aggravate it), only having to blow my nose three times.

My stamina is basically gone, and it's really irritating to start all over again. I got on the treadmill intending to stay on it for 30-45 minutes, but I could only do 20 before I felt my eyelids drooping and my snot dripping. I headed into the locker room to have a shower.

A little background before I move to the best shower I've ever had in my entire life (not including certain sexual episodes): living at my grandparents' house with some extra relatives seems to be more than the poor pipes can take, because a few days ago my grandfather found a really big leak that had water flowing down the street. Since then we've been "going green" with the water use--really short showers if you must have one, don't use the dishwasher or the washing machine, etc.

Because I was sick I was allowed to have a slightly longer shower to help decongest my poor sinuses, but I still wasn't able to wash everything I wanted to. I figured, since the gym has showers, why not use their water?

Some of you wonderful readers know me pretty well, so you know that I have a tendency to avoid using public restrooms (ask me about the Fred Meyer trip some time). So using a shower at the gym may come as a shock to you.

I'm here to tell you, people, that when you haven't had a shower in a couple days, you're feeling gross and the brain matter currently leaking out of your nose looks an awful lot like ... well, anyway, suffice to say I was desperate.

The shower stalls have the shower as well as an extended portion with a curtain so that you're able to shower and get undressed and redressed with some privacy. I chose one, got naked, hung up my towel where I could easily reach it and turned on the water. At first, I was a little surprised because the pressure of the water turned out to be just right--it wasn't like needles where if you try to stick your face in it, you come out looking like you just had a facial. Yet it was still enough pressure to fully soak through my thick hair in only a second or two.

I must have stood there under the hot water for a good ten minutes before I actually started washing anything, the water felt that good. (I know, I'm a horrible un-green person who just wastes water like it's nothing.) I blew my nose a few times (disgusting but necessary, and thank God for soap) and immediately felt better. Going through my routine of shampoo, rinse, conditioner, rinse, lather loofah with soap, scrub body with it, rinse both loofah and body and oops, forgot about the stupid face wash again, was an absolute pleasure because the water was just right. Between the pressure and temperature--and dear God, never, ever, underestimate the power of being clean--I felt very much renewed.

The shower was such an obvious cleansing experience--body, mind and soul--that I was almost sad when I was done and it was time to get out. As I toweled dry, I realized that my body felt looser from the yoga stretches and my legs felt stronger than they had. This trip to the gym had definitely been worth the two hours I ended up being there.

I know it was just a shower, guys, and that getting really clean after both being pretty sick and just sweating a ton is a good idea, but I really did feel so much better that it was the best part of my day. I didn't sleep very well last night, and so the fact that shower both relaxed and invigorated me (and perhaps the fact that I don't really have a social life here quite yet) was an experience I won't soon forget.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what an awesome shower. I fell in love just by looking at is, but I am yet to find one of those. I put it on every social media site I'm registered at, that's how much I love it. Honestly, it made my day.
